Why Claudine Gay Unjustly Came Under Fire I: Her Testimony Before Congress

In the drastically over-simplified world of public media, it’s easy for narratives to take off that bear little relationship to the truth. And it’s very hard for even those of us who are attentive to politics to delve beneath the headlines or whole stories in even our “leading” newspapers to find the truth. I’m sorry I didn’t pay enough attention to the story about the presidents of Harvard and Penn testimony. I’ve now looked more deeply into what former Harvard President Gay said in her written and oral testimony. And there is absolutely nothing objectionable let alone anti-Semitic about it. It was a good statement. In answering Rep. Stefanik’s leading hypothetical question she tried to do what a good teacher and intellectual should do, and point out that words and actions have meaning in context and that any set of words have to be evaluated in their context. That’s the… Continue reading

Fight Back Against the (Racist) Madness

It’s very clear now that the criticisms of Claudine Gay is part of a coordinated attack on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs on college campuses and beyond. The focus on DEI is this year’s right-wing racist bullshit, the follow-up to last year’s right-wing racists bullshit criticizing Critical Race Theory. These attacks are the “polite” way for right-winger to gin up racism among white folks who are still not comfortable with the idea of standing in equality with Black people and who can be easily motivated to think that attacking white supremacy means abandoning ideals of universal equality and instead, embracing Black supremacy. This is nonsense. I’m going to write in more detail about this at some point. But for now let me just say that yesterday I started reading a book that purports to provide an intellectual critique of DEI and CRT. It is clear how bogus the books… Continue reading

Survey Results: Levels of Support for Higher Taxes on Profitable Corporations and Wealthy Individuals by PA House District

In November and December of 2022, Data for Progress conducted a national survey of registered voters to gauge voter support towards state action to hold profitable corporations and the wealthy accountable to pay their fair share of taxes. The national survey was then used to estimate opinion at the state level for Pennsylvania using a machine learning model trained on nationally representative survey responses linked to a commercial voter file. In addition, estimates were made of public support in each state House and Senate district. Click here for state-wide results. Perhaps surprisingly, the differences between PA House districts held by Democratic and Republican legislators are not all that great. Registered voters in both Democratic and Republican districts overwhelmingly support tax increases on profitable corporations and wealthy individuals. The highest support percentage in Democratic districts was 92%, the lowest was 81%. The average support percentage in Democratic districts was 86%. The… Continue reading

Pennsylvania Voters Believe Wealthy Individuals and Profitable Corporations Are Not Paying Their Fair Share

Income and wealth are highly concentrated at the top in Pennsylvania, a situation that has worsened greatly in recent decades. Pennsylvania voters rightly believe that corporations and wealthy individuals aren’t paying their fair share to fund the government services and infrastructure we all depend on. In November and December of 2022, Data for Progress conducted a survey of registered voters nationally to gauge voter support towards state action to ensure that profitable corporations and the wealthy are paying their fair share of taxes. The national survey was then used to estimate opinion at the state level for Pennsylvania, using a machine learning model trained on nationally representative survey responses linked to a commercial voter file. There is no question that Pennsylvania’s voters are supportive of statewide policies that require those at the top to pay their fair share. Voters are looking to Pennsylvania’s elected leaders to hold corporations accountable and create… Continue reading

What Multiple Orgasm Can Teach Us About Sex after Patriarchy

Introduction This is one in a series of short essays that will ultimately wind up in one or more chapters of my book Civilizations and Its Contents: Platonic Reflections on Eros and the Culture Wars. You can find an overview of it here. My book is, for the most part, not focused on the details of our sexual practices. But for a few reasons, I became interested in the phenomenon of multiple orgasm about five years ago. My book *is* very much focused on how theories of sexuality support patriarchal views about the nature of men and women and how patriarchal sexual practices limit sexual pleasure for both men and women. It is widely believed that women have troubles with orgasm, yet at the same time, it is also widely believed that women are capable of multiple orgasms while men are not. Now, on the surface that seems contradictory. Are… Continue reading

Myths about Gaza and Hamas

Like many progressive Jews–although not enough of us–I’ve been torn and distressed about the current war. On the one hand, I do think that Israel had a right to defend itself against a bloodthirsty vicious attack. And I thought that even though Israel’s government is horrible and has been for some time. It has been taking steps, especially with regard to settlements, that make many of us despair of the possibility of a peaceful settlement with the Palestinians. But countries run by horrible governments still have a right to exist,  a right not to have its civilians attacked, and a right to defend itself against such attacks. On the other hand, I had hoped that Israel would respond with a limited, targeted military action. But instead, while there have been instances of targeted attacks for which civilians received advanced warning,  have seen a bombing campaign that seems almost indiscriminate and… Continue reading

We Can’t Fix Education By Shuffling The Deck

In February 2023, Judge Renée Cohn Jubelirer called for a new funding system in Pennsylvania to fulfill the state’s obligation to provide a thorough and efficient education for its children. But, opponents of increased education funding cite the state’s high per-student spending, compared to other states, as a reason not to increase our total spending on K-12 schools. The comparison to other states’ spending per student is misleading in multiple ways. To begin with, it does not consider variations in the cost of living and education expenses. Pennsylvania’s education spending per student is below the average of the 11 New England and other Mid-Atlantic states that are closest to Pennsylvania with regard to the costs of education. In addition, overall levels of funding skirt the core issue in Judge Jubelirer’s decision—that in Pennsylvania, school funding is highly inequitable from one school district to another. The evidence presented to Judge Jubelirer,… Continue reading

On Israel’s Bombing of Gaza

I’ve been grateful that all the work I had to do in the last weeks of the PA General Assembly has given me a respite from reading and thinking about the Israel-Hamas conflict. I have a couple of things I want to say about it. If I were making a larger argument, this one would not come first. But I finished it after reading an article comparing Israel’s bombing of Gaza with the Allied bombing of German cities in WW II. The article is in the comments. Thanks to Karly Whittaker for sharing that article. … The comparison with Allied bombing in WWII is even more telling than the article suggests. The Allies had three justification for a bombing campaign that aimed at the center of German cities and that probably killed at least 300,000 civilians. Historians are divided about which was more important at different times during the war.… Continue reading

Why Pennsylvanians Should Reject Vouchers.

Why Pennsylvania Should Reject Vouchers Susan Spicka, Education Voters PA Diana Polson, Keystone Research Center Marc Stier, Pennsylvania Policy Center Here we quickly summarize three major reasons why the General Assembly should not adopt a new voucher program. Voucher-funded schools do not offer educational choice for families and students. They use public dollars to support schools that engage in discrimination against many families and students. Voucher programs do not create educational “choice” for many families and students. Instead, voucher programs create the illusion of “choice” because private and religious voucher schools can—and do—engage in discrimination and refuse to enroll students, even if their family is eligible for a voucher. We have seen this in the tax-credit voucher programs already in place in Pennsylvania. In 2022–2023, the Pennsylvania legislature authorized the diversion of $340 million tax dollars out of the state treasury and into private and religious voucher schools through the Educational… Continue reading