PBPC-State Innovation Exchange Poll on Budget and Democracy Issues

The poll we are releasing today was commissioned by the State Innovation Exchange and the PA Budget and Policy Center. It is the third poll on tax, budget, and democracy issues sponsored by the two organizations. The poll is also part of a six-state public opinion survey effort by the State Innovation Exchange.

Topline Findings: American Rescue Plan and PA Budget

As the Pennsylvania economy continues to reverse course from the pandemic, this poll shows clearly that PA voters have a big appetite for public investment and little appetite for austerity.

The poll shows that by a 3-1 margin Pennsylvanians prefer investing American Rescue Plan funds in people and businesses over using the money to pay down structural budget deficits.

It shows overwhelming support for a range of public investments with ARP funds, including:

  • Low-interest small business loans
  • Combating homelessness, lack of affordable housing, and food insecurity
  • Hazard pay for frontline workers
  • Paid family and medical leave
  • Reducing inequality in education funding. Ā 

Topline Finding: DemocracyĀ 

The poll shows that Pennsylvania voters generally believe that the 2020 elections were administered well and administered fairly.

It shows tremendous support among Pennsylvania voters for preserving vote by mail and early voting as well as counting mail-in ballots postmarked by E-day and more funding for county boards of election.

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